Can A Man With erectile Dysfunction Satisfy A Woman?

Choosing the right time and place could play a pivotal role in finding a common ground for this problem. Our men’s clinic consultants discourage bringing up the topic in the course of sexual encounter or during an argument. Honesty about the problem is a key solution to solving a erectile dysfunction unlike when one keeps blaming it on other things such as the sex position, bed discomfort, work strain or attraction to them, etc. Seek help from our mens clinic sexual health consultants on how to best go about with discussing erectile dysfunction with your partner. 

Choose to use “I” statement and refrain from accusing your partner for your erectile dysfunction (ED) condition. For instance say “I have a problem of erectile dysfunction and I believe it needs attention.” Putting one’s self under pressure to deliver fulfilling sex may further increase anxiety leading to even more frustration when it comes to one’s erection problems.


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